Drive-in, Restaurant & Entertainment

Simple registration

You need to be a member of the Privilege Club with a valid Privilege Card in order to register into the My Privilege App. If you are not yet a member of our loyalty club, you can register at any Hit of centres. If you already a member of the Privilege Club, follow the instructions here below.

1.) Open the web site, click ENTER, then click where is says »for the first login click HERE«. You will find this above the login window.

2.) A first login form will open and you need to enter:

  • Your E-mail, which will enable you to access My Privilege.
  • Your Privilege card number, which is to be found on the card itself.
  • Your date of birth in the form of DD / MM / YYYY (day – month – year).

3.) After your first successful login you will receive on your email a link to set your password and access My Privilege. The password can be changed later on.

Do you have questions or need help? Call us on +386 5 331 13 41 or send a question.